Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Space-Time Conundrum

James T. Kirk - Blogging in the future about the present before blogging was cool.  Only the captain can make it happen in all time zones at once.


cm0978 said...

This is Captain Kirk calling the Enterprise. Can you read me, Scotty? The intelligent life on this planet, if you can call it that, are women who don't like rugged, outdoorsy men. Like myself. They've taken away my stun gun and communication device. Instead, they've given me this electric shaver and asked me to apply it to my ... We seem to be breaking up Scotty. Can you beam me up while I'm still in one piece?

cm0978 said...

This is Captain Kirk again. I've seen enough of this planet. I'd like to see all those other zones you mentioned. Beam me up and out of here!