Saturday, January 9, 2010


I am currently reading a most excellent book, Badass: A Relentless Onslaught of the Toughest Warlords, Vikings, Samurai, Pirates, Gunfighters, and Military Commanders to Ever Live.  In it, Mr. Thompson illustrates the many things people have tried flinging with a catapult.  This of course leads us to the natural question, "what types of animals can we launch?"  After all, the root word of catapult is cat.  When our predecessors discovered cats were too lazy to 'pult' anything, they attempted to 'pult' the cat.  This helped get rid of the cat, but it takes too many cats to really knock down any decent wall.

I'm really quite disappointed that medieval man didn't manage to develop the cowapult.  Imagine a flying bovine of death!  Horns work as a form of sights for aiming for bulls, and if the bull survives  - that's a angry heifer!  If you manage to load up a female, you can add splash damage!

1 comment:

AkuNingyo said...

Though ineffective against walls and other structures, pulted cats did prove effective against soldiers and plebeians two-fold. First, as the cat always lands claws first, the poor victim in the cat's path is lacerated with several itchy, possibly infected claw marks. Second, the population is demoralized from the added stray cats to their community and from the possible allergic reactions introduced to the community from the frenzied felines.